What do i mean by this? Well let's first talk about what happens to atoms when they get closed to each other. The outside area of atoms is composed entirely of electron. As you may know, electrons are negatively charged and so they repel each other when they come too close. So when you touch an objects, the electrons in your skin are repelled away from the object and we interpret this repulsion as touch. The texture of an object is determined by how much it repels against your skin, so harder objects push your skin away more. So technically you have never touched another human being or any other object since you were born. Every kiss hug and handshake in your life have been an illusion of touch and have actually just been the outer atoms of your own skin being repelled inwards without making contact with another person. This means that technically we are always hovering above the ground at an atom level and never actually touch it. But wait there is one way of making actual contact with another person. Ask them if you could eat one of their limbs. As your body digests all the different nutrients, some covalent bonds will allow you to touch matter that is of the other person.
For more info, read about the pauli exclusion principle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pauli_exclusion_principle
A short youtube clip explaining this concept http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBZr1qmsQ0U
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