Monday 16 April 2012


Now you may think from the title that I'm a self loving narcissist, however the title is completely correct. 
But how? Well in order to understand this, we have to know about the expansion of the universe. All the galaxies in the universe are moving away from us and the rate at which they move away from us is increasing. But what are they moving away from? There must be a central location in the universe from which all the galaxies move away from. That's what you would think. However our universe is flat and rather than things moving away from each other in the way we would expect in a 3d shape, they do so like they are occupying a flat surface much like dots drawn on a balloon move away from each other when it is inflated. In this way, whichever reference point we take, things move away in reference to that point and the point itself remains in the same location. This would make the reference point the center of the universe and everything would move in reference to that point and as I am an object in the universe, if I were to take myself as the reference point, I would be the center of the universe. So the next time someone asks you why you think your so important or why you think your the center of the universe, explain to them that you are!

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