Sunday 15 April 2012


This post will explain how little actual 'matter' we are made of.

As most of you will know, everything is made up of atoms. But what are atoms made of? Atoms are made up of a nucleus containing protons and neutrons which make up virtually all the mass of the atom, and electrons which orbit around the nucleus and have virtually none of the mass of the atom. However the models most of us are used to don't give the full picture of how much empty space there is between the nucleus and the electron. If we were to scale the nucleus up to the size of a pinhead, the electrons would orbit this nucleolus with a diameter of about 95 FEET. That means that for 95 feet of diameter, there is only a pinhead worth of actual matter. But wait this is only the scale of a hydrogen or helium atom which have smaller radii than any other types of atom. This means that all the other atoms have even move empty space inside them! If we were able to somehow pack all of the matter inside your body into a single object, it would be about the size of a single 1.5 inch hair. That means that in all of your body, there is only enough matter for one human hair and the rest is empty space. If we were able to do the same thing to the entire Earth, it would shrink to the size of a peanut.


  1. You say "This means that all the other atoms have even move empty space inside them!"

    Now I can see why you would use the words "Empty Space" but the thing is its not actually empty.

    Here is a example.
    You took the world, (an apparent solid thing) and said it was made up of molecules, Each molecule with a whole bunch of empty space between them.

    We then looked at a molecule. This was made up of lots of different elements. Again with some apparent emptiness between them.

    We look at elements to find Protons, Neutrons and Electrons, all with emptiness between them too..

    But then we come up with quantum foam. (There's a small section here you may find interesting

    Anyway with that being said. this Empty space you speak of may in fact be "something" yes we can't see it. However it doesn't mean it is nothing or "Empty" space, just that we perceive it as "Empty" due to not being able to see anything there..

    Was the sky empty because we couldn't see the atoms in the Air?
    No.. but we thought it was.

  2. This post was about the distribution of mass in an atom you fucktard. Even though the sky was believed to be empty, it still had mass. Apart from not believing that the space inside the atom is mainly empty ( meaning that the mass is in the center and the space between the nucleus and electrons contains NOTHING!) nothing you have said is incorrect however it is misplaced knowledge. It seems to me like you are just vomiting out information with little relevance. Also you need to understand how electron exist in many places at once

  3. Hmmmm..

    Okay wasn't expecting such a harsh tone from you about how I had apparently misinterpreted your post when it was quite easy thing to interpret.

    You post title is this "WE ARE MADE UP OF EMPTY SPACE!"
    And the word "Empty" is the same as the word "infinite" it is a word that is used to describe something that actually doesn't exist.

    For example If I was to say I took a infinite of something, IE a number or apples, its impossible.. you cant take something that's infinite due to it never ending. To take something you have to know a start and finish point and have everything in between those two points to actually have it. (this is true for holding,thinking or writing anything.. you need a start and end point)

    Now I say Empty is the same as Infinite because nothing is truly "Empty".

    A box with nothing visible inside it is not "Empty" as it has small partials etc inside it.

    SO your title was slightly misleading for a start. but I read on thinking that you would explain what you meant.. which you indeed did..

    You then said "This post will explain how little actual 'matter' we are made of."
    Well matter is something that exists, or better put something that occupies a part of space.

    With this being said energy is matter. However energy has a really small mass.

    You see when you have energy you have something that exists but also has such a small mass that you wont ever see it.
    If you took the total energy and divided by "Speed Of Light to the power of 2" you end up with the mass of that energy..
    E = MC2 ring a bell?

    With this we can say that energy no matter how small it is also has a mass.
    Now anything with a mass must occupy a place in space.
    So this means that this energy is still matter..

    Now with that being said you can then say this.

    From your diagram you see the electrons protons and neutrons of an atom. and in between these electrons, protons and neutrons is "empty space" but like I was trying to say its not actually empty space.

    For a start have you ever wondered why the electrons stay at the same distance from the center, and then sometimes fly off to link with other atoms?

    Its the energy.

    You see the energy that's between the electrons protons and neutrons keep the electrons where they are.
    Be it Gravitational energy, Heat energy, Light energy...ETC

    So in between everything is actually energy, and as I said energy actually has a mass, thus it is matter.

    This brings me back to what I previously said. "This Empty space you speak of may in fact be "something" yes we can't see it. However it doesn't mean it is nothing or "Empty" space, just that we perceive it as "Empty" due to not being able to see anything there.."

    So if by "Empty Space" you actually meant "Matter that is so small that we don't have a name for it and cant see it to actually say it exists although it obviously does because Nothing/Empty/0 of something taking up a place in space is Impossible" Then yes you would be right.

    Also this is not intended to be a "bitchy/arrogant or belittling" post but rather a informative one about how things can be perceived.

    Sorry if it seems otherwise.

  4. Absence of mass = no mass
    Your over-complicating it and no there are no particle which exist between electrons and the nucleus or there would be atom shielding which would mean that nuclei would not be able to attract electrons in the first place. THERE IS NOTHING THERE.
